Conference Workshops
Click on the links for each workshop to learn more!
- PYRN Student Day (Sunday, October 24, 10am - 2pm Mountain time)
- Permafrost Data Systems (Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 2 - 3 pm Mountain time)
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: Big Imagery Permafrost Science Today and Tomorrow (Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 12 - 1 pm Mountain Time)
- Arctic Environmental and Engineering Data and Design Support System (Arctic-EDS) (Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 3 - 4 pm Mountain time)
PYRN Student Day
Sunday, October 24, 2021, 10 am - 2 pm Mountain time
Virtual. Sign up here (external link) for the event. |
Networking and Webinars on:
- Grant Writing,
- Science Communication,
- Work/Life Balance
None provided
Permafrost Data Systems
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 2-3 pm Mountain time
See our conference schedule |
This workshop session is meant to identify barriers and actionable solutions to the continued development of permafrost data systems (databases, web portals, APIs) with a focus on interoperability through informal, structured discussion. We invite anyone involved in the operation of permafrost data systems; those interested in publishing permafrost data; and engaged data users to participate. As a secondary benefit, this workshop will connect those involved in the life cycle of permafrost data.
- 5 minutes: Welcome and introduction
- 10 minutes: Two lightning talks from our invited speakers to set the stage. Both are involved in the development and operation of permafrost data systems which span databases, web portals and publications.
- 10 minutes: Breakout groups, using the ‘wicked questions’ discussion format (liberatingstructures.com/4-wicked-questions), identify apparent paradoxes in the development of permafrost data systems, for example: “how do we develop in a way that is both independent and interoperable?”
- 10 minutes: Plenary: share and discuss breakout group results
- 10 minutes: Breakout groups, using the 15% solutions structure (liberatingstructures.com/7-15-solutions), brainstorm actionable steps as responses to the ideas generated in the previous breakout group.
- 10 minutes: Plenary; share and discuss breakout group results
- 5 minutes: Concluding remarks and next steps
Nick Brown, Matt Jones, Peter Pulsifer
Permafrost Discovery Gateway: Big Imagery Permafrost Science Today and Tomorrow
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 12 - 1 pm Mountain Time
See our conference schedule |
The Permafrost Discovery Gateway (PDG) is a web-based platform aimed to enable the creation and exploration of big geospatial permafrost data in support of the Arctic research community and the general public or others interested in the changing permafrost landscape. This one-hour workshop will comprise a series of overview lightning talks , brief demos of functionality, and breakout sessions. Participants will learn about new developments within the PDG, preview the new interactive platform for visualization of big imagery permafrost geospatial datasets, and contribute to PDG development through discussion based feedback.. The workshop also aims to bring the permafrost science community together on the challenges and opportunities in imagery processing using AI and big data in addressing the needs of the permafrost science community. Breakout sessions will focus on these types of use cases, for example, training data cyberinfrastructure support, workflow optimization for processing large datasets including the processing of MAXXAR (e.g. the MAPLE code) and Landsat images within the Clowder cyberinfrastructure framework, as well as on user feedback of the current PDG platform. All PDG presentations will be available in the morning posters session.
- Opening comments,
- 6 overview presentations (15 min),
- Technical demos (10 min):
- Creating big data
- Visualizing big data
- Break-out groups (30 min):
- Group 1: Creating big data. We’ll highlight how the PDG development team addressed the big data creation so far in developing products from MAXXAR and Landsat imagery using ML and DL techniques. We are interested to hear about challenges and needs that end-users are encountering in their big data creation.
- Group 2: Visualizing big data. We’ll answer questions about the visualization demo and dive deeper into areas of interest. We’ll gather end-user feedback for the PDG team to incorporate into the visualization interface later (tools and data). If time, the PDG team will present mockups of visualization features that are planned for the future and gather feedback from the group.
- Closing Comments
Permafrost Discovery Gateway Team
Arctic Environmental and Engineering Data and Design Support System (Arctic-EDS) Workshop
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 3 - 4 pm Mountain time
See our conference schedule |
We invite engineers and scientists to contribute to the development of the Arctic-EDS. We seek your input! This new system will update the venerable Environmental Atlas of Alaska, providing web-based maps of historical observations and climate projections, modules, and notebooks to aid in engineering decisions related to Alaska and other cold regions. We value input from engineers on prioritizing web-based notebooks and modules with specialized engineering calculation. The goals of the workshop include: (1) building awareness of the Arctic-EDS, (2) gaining feedback from the engineering community, and (3) identifying participants interested in taking part in the beta testing of the Arctic-EDS.
The 1-hour session will provide a brief overview of the project followed by a demonstration of the current pre-beta version of the Arctic-EDS. The majority of the session will be focused on gaining workshop participant feedback and recommendations; to facilitate discussion the workshop will have a 10-minute focus on data layers and user interface, followed by a 15-minute focus on engineering specific modules and notebooks.
Svetlana Stuefer, Margaret Darrow, Scott Rupp, Charlie Parr on behalf of the Arctic-EDS team
Conference Sponsors
Platinum |
Gold |
Silver |
Bronze |